Chapter Six

He kissed me! He kissed me! He kissed me! He kissed me, he kissed me, he kissed me!

My head's in such a whirl I scarcely know how it happened. One minute we were strolling along the cliffs behind my house enjoying one of the most gorgeous Saturday mornings I'd ever seen. The next minute we'd stopped walking and Demarco was suddenly in front of me, gazing at me in a way that made my throat close up, with my hands firmly captured in both of his.

He leaned toward me, closer, closer, and I couldn't help myself. I'd dreamed so many times of this moment, and how it would feel to kiss him. I just meant it to be a chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth, so that if he didn't like it, I could pretend I hadn't meant anything by it. But he pulled me to him and –


Time stopped. The world stopped. My heart stopped. But that kiss went on forever. The soft pressure of his lips on mine went on forever, and his warm breath in my mouth, and his tongue silky against mine, and his arms pressing my body tightly against his, all of that went on and on as the sea breeze blew over us and the sun warmed us.

Something in the  vicinity of my heart erupted in exquisite slow motion. Something  warm and bubbling and flowing like lava. Something that grew warmer and more tingly as it spread through my body and flowed out of every pore and took flight like a flock of birds when it could no longer be contained, and sang as it ascended to the heavens.

If the world ended this minute, I'd die happy.

A year or two later, when the sky was darkening, we began to come back to earth. But it was a different earth than the one I'd woken up to that morning. It was an earth where the man I love loves me.

We'd walked and talked and kissed and dreamed, until our prosaic lives demanded to be acknowledged once again. Before Demarco took his leave, there was one last thing that had to be said. I never saw it coming.

"Lisa seems to think she and I are an item," Demarco confessed, embarrassed. "She might not take this well." He looked me straight in the eye. "I just want you to know," he said, "she's not the one I love. She's never been the one I love. You are."

Lisa. My best friend Lisa. I was shocked; I'd had no idea she wanted him, though she knew full well how I had felt about Demarco ever since he came to our school. It wasn't enough that she'd broken Davy Linnell's heart and left a string of other conquests in the wake of her trek through high school? I couldn't help but wonder if her possessive interest in Demarco had more to do with making sure she was the one who got him and not me, than with any honest emotion.

We both knew well the dark side of her personality. He wouldn't leave me to face her jealous wrath by myself, he told me. But I knew that I had to see her alone. She'd been my friend all through school, and if I knew full well how snobbish and petty and spiteful she could be, I also knew I owed it to her to see her myself, and try to make peace.

I didn't let Demarco see how upset I was; instead I took my frustration out on a head of lettuce that I made into a salad for dinner.

When I could put it off no longer, I went to Lisa's house. She wouldn't come to the door, though I could see her through the window, and I know she saw me. It was her brother Ethan who finally let me in.

Mrs. Bunch greeted me as warmly as ever, but Lisa stayed where she was on the sofa, watching TV and pointedly ignoring me. Without ceremony I simply sat next to her on the sofa and started watching TV. I really didn't know how to handle this, so I said nothing and waited for her to make the first move. Her sour look and the way she ignored me said it all. She wouldn't even look at me, keeping her face averted to such a degree that she couldn't see the TV she was pretending to watch. It was a slap in the face.

She eventually got up and made as if to leave the room. I couldn't let her just walk away. I followed her and we finally had it out. I had been right. She didn't love him; but she was livid that he preferred me. She wouldn't listen to a thing I said. Her hateful looks bore right through me. It broke my heart, but Lisa made it crystal clear: she didn't want to be my friend any more.

I remained sad over Lisa for a long time. I didn't want to admit what I'd known all along: that she wasn't as good a friend to me as I was to her.

Michael has remained my steadfast friend through everything. He and Demarco made it their mission to keep me from falling into the doldrums.

We took a picnic lunch up to Crystal Springs one day, and I told them about Mom and Grams. I'd never really opened up about it much. I got a little emotional, but my friends didn't care, and Demarco held me and dried my tears. It might seem odd to picnic in the place where tragedy nearly ruined my life, but it's really very peaceful there, and somehow I feel close to my family when I'm there.

Michael and Demarco are good friends to have. They're a comfort to me when I'm blue. We lazed in the sun and talked about our dreams as we venture into what we used to call the real world. Michael has gotten a job on the police force and has grandiose dreams about becoming James Bond. We didn't laugh. Demarco, by virtue of his athletic prowess, was approached by a scout right after graduation and is working at the stadium and training for an athletic career. He says that’s where the money is, although his private dream is to perfect his talent in the kitchen and collect all the recipes he can.

I have to say I'm a little worried about Michael. Molly French has got her hooks into him. She's a heartbreaker and everybody knows it. I think it’s sleazy. She could at least have kept to men her own age. I only hope he keeps his head and doesn't fall for her too hard. I want him to get out of this in one piece. Demarco and I will be here for him if he needs us; it's all a friend can do, I guess.

author's note: I got pretty verbose this time, but I wanted to do justice to Avi's romance and Lisa's defection. I'm a little worried about Michael. I hope he's not headed for heartbreak, but I don't see how he could not be, given that Molly French already has two love interests in this game, and a child almost Michael's age.


  1. Excellent, this is a great chapter. Her first true love and losing her friend over that love.

    Looking forward to the next chapter.

  2. Love it as always. I hope things work out for her and Demarco. Those snobby ones can be so irritating. They think the world revolves around them.
    This is like reading a book. The difference is, I I can't lie in bed and read half the night.

    LOL. Poor lettuce.

  3. I loved this chapter because as you know, I don't plan this stuff out - not entirely. There's no script or storyboard. I didn't make her roll the want to kiss Demarco, and I didn't make Lisa jealous, or make Michael fall victim to an older woman with a heartbreaker LTW. I just love it when they actually do what you want them to without your telling them to.

  4. I love it when that happens too. I think they did a great job with the AI. There are only a few things in this game that I would like changed, and they have nothing to do with the AI. They are the same things PiB was talking about. The aging up too far in a day if not playing them and my main complaint is not finding a way to save things in the inventory. I know most things can be put somewhere to save them but not all things. The AI I love though.

  5. I'm back again. I downloaded Lexie Alexander. Of course her hair didn't come with her. That is one of the few sims that I think that short curly hair actually looks good on. I wasn't sure it was her at first. She had brown hair. I changed it back to blonde and gave her the short hair that I bought from the store. The one that goes over the eye just a little bit. Not the one that came with the game that covers the entire side of the face. If you prefer another style when you see her, just let me know. As I already told everyone else, it's going to take me the rest of the week just to get everyone in homes with the stuff they will need. Everyone gets alarms and guitars. The females get baby stuff too, so when Alicia visits I don't have to look at babies on the floor.

  6. Hi, Dee. Oh, good. I'm glad you liked Lexie. I'm really no good at making sims yet, so I was pleasantly surprised when she turned out to be extraordinarily pretty. I put the URL for the hair in her description, if you want to get it. Oh, hang on, I can post a link in the group blog thingy. Duh. Pity you can't post links in comments.

  7. GRR.. lol.. darn posting...I had real problems trying to post using my wordpress ID, so I hope you don't mind for some reason I seem to appear now as anon??

    Take 2--

    I read this when you only had the introduction, and then I thought I'd bookmarked it but hadn't.. blonde moment..

    Anyway, I am so glad I found it!

    The way you described their first kiss...AWESOME! Lol, it made me wanna grab my hubbie *giggle*
    Lucky for him he is at work;)

    Btw, yay for better graphics cards! I know the feeling as I had mine updated in September too.

    Your pics are so awesome! I am still trying to get to grips with that.

    Great job!

  8. Wow, thank you so much for the nice comments! I'm not as good with the pictures yet as I'd like to be, but I love working on it. Yes, I had a good time writing about the kiss. It came from real life experience, as you could tell.

    Thanks for reading and commenting, and I'm really glad you found me again.

    Please keep reading, and link me back to your stuff if you can, because if you're anon, I can't click on you to see if you have updates :)

  9. Grr.. I dunno now if it posted a comment or not, so just don't publish if there is a double one..

    I added you to my blogroll if that is what you mean by link back? Lol, bit of a technophobe here.

    I think possibly, my email addy is appearing which is sims3worsiedog.. I can't seem to post with my wordpress id for some reason.

    I post all over as worsiedog.

  10. I still have some sims that Alicia has to meet in the new game and one of them is Lexie. I think she is really pretty. I had checked your studio when I first started the Riverview story and you didn't have any sims then. I am glad yu uploaded them. I miss your updates.
    Also want to say hi to sims3. I wondered what happened to you.

  11. Sims3 - Oh, good. I thought you were worsiedog, but I wasn't sure. I hate that it's not easier to psot back and forth between blogspot and wordpress.

  12. and thanks to Dee; I'm glad you like my sims. I was just going to upload another one when my game crapped out. I think the game is in dire need of some really masculine looking men. There are plenty of pretty boys with anime hair all over the exchange. So I made a man that I like but can't upload him. Hopefully, one of these days. Would you believe six people actually download Zayne? Haha. I wonder what they are doing with her.

  13. Zayne is pretty. People are probably trying to see if they can get her to be as exciting in their game is she is in your.:)

  14. I'm glad I scrolled back to some older comments.

    PICK ME, I know what happened to one Zayne. She's my captive now. LOL I've just added her to the free will game, it will be interesting to see what she does in the bigger neighborhood.

    There are 19 downloads of Malcolm, I'd love to know what happened to them. I have to assume the worst. I think at least some of the Sam clones will be treated well.
