Chapter Seven

Sometimes you just have one of those days.

I woke up with an unaccustomed feeling of anxiety. I just knew something was in store for me, and I didn't think it would be good. Even as I chalked it up to the residue of bad dreams, I found myself doing something absolutely unprecedented for me, I suppose as a sort of gesture of good to ward off future evil ... I made my bed!

As a talisman against misfortune, it proved inadequate.

The unpleasantness started off right away with a geiser in the sink. I'm no good with mechanical objects. With a brush in my hand I'm the boss, but replace the brush with a wrench and I'm confounded. I confronted my mortal enemy The Plumbing with determination and gritted teeth - and I hated every second of it. I got it fixed, for now. I got some lovely new blisters, too. And I invented some new swear words.


The sink wasn't the only thing that decided to break. All this in one day. Could it get worse?


Well, yes. Because I still had to clean up.


After all that, I needed to get out of the house for a while. I changed into my sweats and went for a long walk to clear my head.

"Oh, no, what now," was my thought when I practically tripped over a large, dirty, grubby rock. But the instincts of an artist can't be denied. I noticed some shiny glints even in all that mud, and I had to take it home and clean it up.
I showed it to the guys. They say it's surely a diamond, albeit probably not a very high quality one. It may not be worth much, but it's found money. To me, it could be a small fortune.

There's a place where you can send off a geologic specimen to get it analyzed, so I posted it straightaway. I was kind of excited. Mortimer, whose family has been in the region for generations and will be for generations to come, said that the mountains that surround this town are old and weathered, and frequently slough off little treasures like this. He said if I remember where I found them, I can go back and find more almost any time, especially after a heavy rain.

If that rock is a real diamond, and if it's worth anything, I may have just found a way to supplement the meager income I get from selling the occasional painting!

In the afternoon, I had a few people over, and guess who gate crashed? That's right. My former best friend Lisa Bunch. I was surprised she showed up here after the way she left things between us. She lives right across the street from Demarco, so she's pretty hard to avoid, and if she chooses to follow him, who can stop her? I should have smelled trouble coming, but I guess I'm just too naive. I thought she'd behave herself. 

It didn't take her very long to begin insulting me and trying to pick a fight. I felt sorrier for poor Davy than I did for myself. He stayed on the sofa and tried to continue watching TV, but I could see him watching her. She must have hurt him badly, or maybe there are still feelings there. Whether feelings of unrequited love or just pain, I couldn't say. 

Demarco gave her a disapproving look but, to his credit, tried to stay out of it. He respects me enough to let me take care of myself, though I could see he was ready to leap to my aid if I needed it.

When she didn't get enough of a rise out of me, Lisa began working on Demarco. He submitted rather shamefacedly at first, but when she started in on me again, he got angrier than I've ever seen him.

I guess none of us truly expected her temper tantrum.


Demarco  had had enough. He "escorted" Lisa firmly to the door and made it clear she wasn't welcome back.


"What can you expect from her," was Davy's remark, and we all silently agreed.


Once Lisa had gone, my true friends were nice enough to shrug it off, and we had a nice afternoon after all. The whole long, tiresome day had left me feeling drained, though,  and after everyone had left I got ready for bed even though it was still light, and went outside to do some painting. The nice thing about living outside of town in the middle of nowhere is that I can do things like paint outdoors in my nightie without feeling self conscious. My main release and outlet had never failed me before and it didn't this time, but I subconsiously chose dark and somber colors to match my mood and the tone of the day.


I woke next morning feeling much refreshed. The flag was up on the mailbox, and all in a rush I remembered the possible diamond! I ran to the mailbox and with trembling hands withdrew a giftwrapped box.


I'd say this makes up for yesterday. In spades!

author's note: My sims continue to amuse me. When Avi made her bed for the first time in her life, I knew it had to go into the story somehow. Sorry about the inconsistency of so many costume changes, but this "day" actually represents a number of sim days. Sometimes nothing interesting at all happens, and it takes days to collect enough to write about. Also I seem to have taken rather a lot of similar party pictures, but I thought the pictoral sequence told its own story, so I couldn't bear to leave any out. 

Yes, I of course I cheated the final shot of her holding the diamond. As my readers will have noticed all along, I'm a big fan of the liberal use of MoveObjects On in my photos. I don't contrive the situations, but I have no compunction about faking a shot here and there.


  1. Another great chapter. I've had Sims have bad days, everything they look at breaks and everyone they see is in a mood.

    Much more artistic in both pics and storytelling then my blog.

  2. It's so nice to see Avi again. This girl has gumption. One minute I feel sad for her and the next I feel joy. She will find a way to survive through all the trials.
    I've been meaning to ask you about the beginning of this story, when she was sleeping outside. I want to know how you made it look like she was sleeping in a sleeping bag. I have had some "loves the outdoors" sims that I wanted to put outside to sleep but didn't know how to without it looking ridiculous. I have put beds on sleeping porches but really wanted it to look like they were sleeping on a cot.

  3. PiB, that's high praise. You know how much I love reading all of our stories. I think we write good stuff. It's so much better than most of the crap you see on the TS3 site.

    Dee, I used MoveObjects and ConstrainFloorElevation, my two favorite cheats. I was going to write a long explanation, but it occurs to me it would be much better as an actual tutorial with pictures on the group blog. It will be fun to do. It's easier to show than to explain, anyway.

  4. That's awesome, Sue! Great update. :)
    I wonder how much that diamond will sell for?

  5. Thanks!

    She's already sold it and hardly got anything for it. A couple of hundred, maybe. But that's because she hasn't cut enough gems to be able to turn a profit with the better cuts. I'm going to make her go gem hunting in earnest now, and eventually she'll start making more.

  6. I did not know you could use moveobjects on to put a gem in their hands o.O lol

    And the contrainfloorelevation thing? so then the bed was half sunken??

    I only recently started using move objects on, but only in my houses for better placement of objects.. I am a complete NOOB when it comes to the commands :/

    Sue, even though you had various outfits, it still blended into one day.. clothes with the basin... due to frustration and going to bed.. pj's for the loo (LOL), then lecturing herself so back in clothes for the mopping up... punishing herself with a workout after so gym clothes for the gem find... of course one can't where pj's to a party unless you insane lol.. and after the party she was so exhausted she decided to schmooze in her pj's while painting... and one should never go to the mailbox in pj's.... just now there is a creepy stalker!

  7. Yes, the bed was half sunken. They can still use it if you don't mind that they sink into the ground when they get in and out! lol I LOVE move objects on.

    I put a tutorial on the group blog.

  8. Sims3 - Actually, that shot with the diamond in her hand is gimped (aka photoshopped). Technically, it's possible to do with move objects on, but after days of trying to get all the variables just right, I gave up and gimped it. I could have done it in game with a mod, but I didn't feel like installing a mod just for one photo.

  9. I have gimp but still have not figured out how to use it:( lol.. *sigh*

    I don't have the link for the group blog?

  10. lol.. nevermind sorry sue.. another *blonde moment* passed... i emaild Pib..

  11. Gosh, sorry. I didn't see your comments until just now. Hopefully you got it sorted.
